In sale order line when i select a product it should auto-populate the product image as well. I achieved this functionality to auto-populate the image. And this image is displaying as widget until in form view of sale order line. But once when i click on "save and close" on sale order line form, in the list view of sale order it is showing as some Download(size) like thing. Even i specified as widget="image" in tree view of order line.
Now I want to show
this image as widget in list view also.
List view is designed
in such a way that will show all binary files as
Download(size) format irrespective of the file type and widget specified. To
achieve this I have modified the code in web module directly. we can also
create module for that.
The code to be added is:
The file need to be modified is: /addons/web/static/src/js/view_list.js:
The file need to be modified is: /addons/web/static/src/js/view_list.js:
Line 2066:
'button': 'instance.web.list.Button',
+'field.image': 'instance.web.list.FieldBinaryImage',
'field.many2onebutton': 'instance.web.list.Many2OneButton',
Line 2230:
href: download_url, size: instance.web.binary_to_binsize(value), }); } }); + +instance.web.list.FieldBinaryImage = instance.web.list.Column.extend({</br> + /** + * Return a image to the binary field of specified as widget image</br> + * + * @private + */ + _format: function (row_data, options) { + var placeholder= "/web/static/src/img/placeholder.png"; + var value = row_data[].value; + var download_url; + if (value && value.substr(0, 10).indexOf(' ') == -1) { + download_url = "data:image/png;base64," + value; + } + else { + download_url = placeholder; + } + + return _.template('<image src="<%-src%>" width="30px" height="30px"/>', { + src: download_url, + }); + } +}); + instance.web.list.ProgressBar = instance.web.list.Column.extend({ /** * Return a formatted progress bar display * * @private */ _format: function (row_data, options) {
When you are trying this code to acheive functionality, don't forget to specify
in view definition and in this post it is not allowing me to add image tag in code it is converting into image icon.
return _.template('Image tag with
src="<%-src%>" and width as 30px and height as 30 px', {
Ksolves is here to serve you with the most advanced Odoo list view manager, which manages the ListViews with a quick and effortless way of Odoo document management of the desired data, where you’ve multifarious options to slice and dice your ListView easily on a click. List view manager enhances the views in Odoo default view, making it simpler and easier to operate.